Author Martha E. Courtis
"A Must-Have for Dianetic and Scientology Auditors" LRH
In a recent book On Auditing by Martha Courtis, the gradient scale of Dianetics and Scientology is made extremely apparent, and it is shown there quite expertly how each advance only extended knowledge already held, and the inevitable consequence of Standard Operating Procedure in Scientology. What an Auditor Should Know by L. Ron Hubbard, Dec 1953, Journal of Scientology, 22-G
Setting out in a sparkling style, Courtis sails through the problems of the auditor from early Dianetics to late Scientology and at the same time tells any fledgling how to go about it. ...
Her many charts and clever illustrations increase the readability of the volume. And she has combined recent material from PAB's into a large chart in the back of the book. The entire Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation Parts I and II, and the Chart of Attitudes are also present. ...
The volume uses the language and technologies Hubbard has developed and uses them well and with intelligence.
Courtis shows clearly the path followed by Hubbard in his explorations of the mind and spirit and discovers that the whole is a complete evolution from engrams to 'The Factors' and that each part has its place.
So Courtis writes from a well-informed viewpoint on what Auditors should know and what techniques will do. ...
Charming, witty, happily married, Martha Courtis is one of the better human beings on Earth. The fact reflects itself in her book — a must for every Dianeticist and Scientologist. Journal of Scientology 23, 15. Jan 1954
ISBN: paper back 978-3-947982-21-9